-----Original Message-----
From: Al Kossow <aek@spies.com>
To: vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu <vectorlist@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu>
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: crystals vs crystal oscillators
>"Just cut the trace from the crystal circuit to
>it's first flip-flop (or whatever it's driving) and pump in the oscillator
>output in it's place. Right?"
>Once upon a time, I wanted to get some screen shots of "Death Race" but
>the horizontal sync wasn't even close to 15khz, so I took the master osc
>out, and injected the output of a pulse generator until I got Hlock. The
>only problem was that since the scan rate was slower, you didn't get all
>the horizontal pixels on the scan line (you couldn't see the right edge)
Hmm, guess this removes Death Race from the "to build Jamma Convertor for
Kev Mowerman@erols.com >>REMOVE THE ? to REPLY
Looking for Pac-Man related hacks & Video Game Flyers
COIN OP PAGE -> http://www.erols.com/mowerman
>but at least people could see what the graphics of the game looks like
Received on Tue Jan 19 17:50:40 1999
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