Hi Clay,
>There's quite a few out there with built in CAN...
CAN? Sorry to ask but that's not an acronym I'm familiar with.
>....I know at least one is an 8051 varient....
I've not had any serious involvement in embedded systems (other than as an
occasional hobby project) since '92, so I don't know if it's still in
production, but the 80152 (8051 variant) which I was wibbling on about in here
a few weeks back has a built in CD/CSMA "uart".
>.... A friend of mine used that making a big slot-car
>monitoring/scoring system for arcades...
:-) A friend of mine did a similar project in '91 for his Scalectrix setup,
used a Z8 though.
TTFN - Pete.
-- Peter Pachla: Computer Hardware & Software Engineer, Sound Engineer, Arcade Machines Collector, Obsolete Computer\Games Console Collector, Barman, & General Fun Guy.... E-Mail: peter.pachla@virgin.net (primary account) peter.pachla@vectrex.freeserve.co.uk peter.pachla@wintermute.free-online.co.uk --Received on Thu Jan 14 21:39:32 1999
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