RE: Lunar Lander Test Mode? Anyone?

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Wed Feb 17 1999 - 19:13:19 EST

> Just checked mine, no crosshatch, just the 4 lights cycling
> along with four sounds. The display shows some text in the
> middle and four numbers in the upper left corner: 8 9 10 11.
> I thought it should say ROM OK here ??!!. The center of the
> screen displays the number of fuel units per coin and also
> the hex value for the thrust controller.
Ok, cool. That helps. The four lights are the bulbs, not the LEDs? Do
the LED's do anything during self-test? (The Start and Select LEDs in
particular-- I think there are LEDs in each of the button that are
always lit?)

> Now here's where it gets interesting.. the schematic shows
> several different screens, one of which is the crosshatch, but
> you can only get them by grounding pin 10 of the board. There
> is no harness connection to this pin so you'll have to do it
> with a clip wire. The first display is a 45 degree line from
> center to upper right, the second is the crosshatch we all
> know and love, the third screen a right pointing 'V', the
> last is the decreasing intensity bars. The schematic also
> shows the scope traces for each of the displays. Nice.
Oh, OK, I had tried that on the actual Asteroids board with the patched
LL code running. Do the screens cycle automatically or are the
"triggered" by grounding pin 10 repeatedly?

I think I've got something wrong with my patches to read the HALT flag
so I'm never trying to restart the vector generator... I'll have to set
the logic analyzer up to trigger on a write to DMAGO and see if it's
ever getting hit. (Doesn't look like it from watching the line with a
logic probe.)

If worse comes to worse I might hack up an Asteroids board to actually
*have* both Asteroids and LL type registers and work backwards from that
applying one patch at a time until I find what's breaking. I was pretty
sure my patches had it covered, but something's not right...

Received on Wed Feb 17 18:13:45 1999

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