Re: Lunar Lander Lamp drivers

From: Jeff Anderson <>
Date: Tue Apr 27 1999 - 01:06:11 EDT

I'm sure you checked for burned out bulbs... but I've never seen a LL that
didn't have at least 1 bad (loose) socket. The last one I worked on had 2
bad sockets. I just kinda bend them a little until the rivot is pulled
tight. I dont remember which lamps light up upon powerup, etc..and I
just played LL 2 days ago.. but it seems to me lamp 3 should not be on at
powerup. I have also had problems with the lights working from a dirty
edge connector on the main board.. if all the lamp
drivers/lamps/sockets/connectors check out just trace the lamp driver
lines in the harness into the first chip you find on the main board and
replace it.


On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Mark Jenison wrote:

> Hi all,
> Could someone tell me what the behavior of the Lunar Lander control panel lamps
> are supposed to be?
> I assume the instructions square is always lit. Does the first game selection
> (lamp2) light as soon as there are enough credits? Then, I assume it cycles
> between 2, 3 ,4 5, and repeat.
> I have a Lunar Lander lamp board/board set that does the following:
> Upon boot up, lamp 3 is on. Crediting the game makes the light (lamp3) go out,
> but lamp 2 does not come on. Pressing select makes lamp3 come on (which is
> what I would expect). Pressing it again, no lamps. Again, no lamps, Again, no
> lamps, again, lamp 3 again (it seems to be cycling back to lamp 3 ok).
> I don't think this circuitry is on wiretap (and even if it was, but the
> displayer I'm using won't display it in fine enough detail), so if anyone can
> help me with what tests I could perform, I would appreciate it.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mark Jenison E-mail address:
> Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Tue Apr 27 00:06:15 1999

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