Follow up (was Re: Lunar Lander Lamp drivers)

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Tue Apr 27 1999 - 10:42:48 EDT

Hi all,

I figured out the problem with the lamp driver board; the other 4 lamps had bad
sockets :-(. Very rusted. Fortunately I was able to clean them up.

FYI, all lamps are on at start up. When enough credit are applied, it goes
down to just lamp 1 (lights instruction card), and lamp 2 (training mission),
then you can cycle through lamp 2 through 5 with the select button.

And my G05 problem (appears) to have been fixed after reflowing and cleaning
the header pins for a second time, and removing the ceramic resistors that
someone else had put on there (2 8ohm in parallel...that's only 4ohms) and
replacing them with 2 10ohm 10W resistors in parallel (5 ohms, which is what my
Asteroids G05 apparently uses). We'll see how it hold up now, but at least I'm
playing Lunar Lander now!

And not for $1000, mind you. I went the route of converting an old Asteroids
cabinet. I used the original Asteroids wiring harness, but did the conversion
in such a way that I only had to cut 5 wires of the original harness and
replace the control panel connector. If anyone is interested in this "clean
conversion" procedure, let me know.

Mark Jenison E-mail address:
Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
Received on Tue Apr 27 09:44:24 1999

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