The best one I have found is Ace's Arcade Screen save which has
both rasters and vectors and game pics and marquees.
under downloads (2mb)
It is based on:
Hey Clay you could do advertisements for your Multi-Series ;-)
but your evil plan won't work on me ;-) I am already a happy multi-pac
owner ;-)
There are enough gifs out there it should be pretty easy for pac-saver.
But, I things are slimmer on the vector side of the house ;-)
Clay Cowgill wrote:
> Is anyone aware of a screen saver that would consist of the
> > intro or attraction screens of any vector game? (or even a raster :o)
> >
> Aren't there some "make your owe screen-saver" applications out there
> that you just feed a bunch of JPG's (or whatever) to and the saver wipes
> and fades between them (or bounces them around the screen or whatever.
> Someone should put something like that together for vector games... ;-)
> > Also, (please excuse my ignorance) what does a Pokey do and where/how
> > did it get it's name?
> >
> POts and KEYs. Atari 400/800 computer days-- POKEY was responsible for
> reading up to 8 "paddle controllers" plugged into a 400/800 (the pots)
> and it also talked to the keyboard and handled key interrupts and
> whatnot (the keys). There are some timers in there as well, and it
> helped handle serial communications as well.
> -Clay
Received on Mon May 24 10:50:18 1999
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