> The second option is the local sign has a "Roland" machine. I'm not
> quite
> sure of the technology behind this machine, but it is a printer, not a
> cutter.
> This printer can print silver, and it looks great. The cool thing is
> that it
> can also print chrome.
I'd be pretty impressed if it could "print" in real chrome... Have you
seen the chrome output? Is it a continuous "mirror" like surface or is
it actually like a metallic ink that looks like a metal-flake?
Interesting... (If it was the cutter I could understand having a chrome
laminate for doing cars and signs and whatnot.)
Roland makes the PC-60 which is a wide-format printer. It can print
with resins which should be pretty durable...
> My question to you is, if I go with the Roland machine, should I stick
> with
> silver as in the original or should I go with the chrome? I think the
> chrome
> is really cool looking, but it is making a major deviation from the
> original.
Ehhhh. I'd say to go with what looks cool. ;-) The fact that it's an
overlay and not painted on will already be a deviation from "original"
anyway, so you might as well just have something you like.
Received on Mon May 24 11:59:44 1999
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