> >
From what I've read, the HV transformer is hard to find. So I figure I'll try
> > replacing the diode and hope that cures things. That is if there is a source
> > of replacements for it. I've checked local electronics shops and couldn't
> > find anything.
> Say, aren't you the one who put up the web archive of this list ? Is it
> searchable yet ? :-)
Yes, it is searchable now... http://taupring.erols.com/vectorlist/
Nothing found in the archive.
> I know this has come up before because I fixed my Asteroids with help from
> the list. Check the monitor page at www.gamearchive.com if it isn't in the
> archive.
Yup, the monitor page at Game Archive lists your cross for it... but I'm not
sure if that would work or not. It's a G05-801 (the one used in Lunar Lander)
which is significantly different from the -802 from what I've read. Also, the
part is not listed as H1812, it's Part #28-000043-01.
-- Dave Downin (dave@arlo.net) ============================================================================= "Sorry, the world is nuts. It can't be helped" - Arlo Guthrie ArloNet - http://www.arlo.net/ ============================================================================= Any commercial e-mail sent to any of the above accounts will be automatically rejected and subject to a $500 processing fee.Received on Tue May 25 12:12:42 1999
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