>Is there any way to specifically test this diode or the HV transformer?
>I tried putting my meter on the diode test and checking it, but it showed
>open in both directions... but I am getting a display when I fire the
>thing up.
Your meter is not likely to be able to generate enough voltage to test
an HV rectifier diode.
From what I've read, the HV transformer is hard to find. So I figure I'll try
>replacing the diode and hope that cures things. That is if there is a source
>of replacements for it. I've checked local electronics shops and couldn't
>find anything.
If you look over the vectorlist archives, I think this is discussed pretty
thoroughly (search for "HV diode". I replaced the diode in my WG19V2000 with an
SK7333 from Mouser, and I think that works for yours too (someone back me up here).
If you have an HV probe, you can probably measure how much voltage is being
lost across the diode, and that'll tell you if your diode is bad or not.
Unfortunately, I don't know what a normal voltage drop would be.
Received on Tue May 25 12:10:53 1999
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