Tempest/Vector Breakout (was Tempest Multigame)

From: Clay Cowgill <ClayC_at_diamondmm.com>
Date: Tue May 25 1999 - 18:30:39 EDT

> 20 seconds is a little short considering the time it takes the monitor
> to warm up and show anything. 1 minute might be better.
Yeah, good point. Hadn't thought about that... The vote currently
seems to be swaying towards having it jump immediately to the "default"
selected game though. (With the ability to "force" the menu to appear
by closing the test switch when you first power-up)

> BTW, does Breakout follow the swith settings for coins and free-play?
Yep, that was the plan, but I could use a little help on something there
(thanks for the reminder!)...

Right now it just takes coins and gives one credit per coin. I could
have it follow the actual "bonus" coin credit stuff like Tempest did,
but it seemed like a lot of extra work for something maybe one person
ever would ever notice. ;-)

The thing that has me baffled at the moment is the Free Play setting.
Where on the Tempest schematics is the dip switch block that controls
free play? I can find it documented in the manual, but I couldn't find
it on the schematics when I looked. (I'm trying to decide where it
lives in memory...)

As for difficulty settings-- I was going to key off of
"easy/medium/hard" settings on Tempest but now I'm not sure. I'm
assuming that most people have their games set to "medium"? I'm
thinking VBreakout might just be "one size fits all". I don't want to
have VBreakout be too hard or too easy for people with settings other
than "medium" on Tempest. On the other hand, I could use another nibble
in EAROM to make is soft-settable... Hmmmm.

Received on Tue May 25 17:31:00 1999

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