>Yeah, good point. Hadn't thought about that... The vote currently
>seems to be swaying towards having it jump immediately to the "default"
>selected game though. (With the ability to "force" the menu to appear
>by closing the test switch when you first power-up)
Add one more vote to the "jump to the default on power-up" camp. Also, what
do you mean by "closing the test switch on power-up" ? Do you mean that
instead of going into test mode the menu would display? How would you then
go into test mode?
>Right now it just takes coins and gives one credit per coin. I could
>have it follow the actual "bonus" coin credit stuff like Tempest did,
>but it seemed like a lot of extra work for something maybe one person
>ever would ever notice. ;-)
I don't think there is much chance of a multi-Tempest going on route, but I
may be wrong. I don't think it's worth the effort to do the bonus credit
As for "Free Play" mode, I know you aren't a big fan of it, but it keeps
little hands out of the coin mechs. I really hope you get this working.
>As for difficulty settings-- I was going to key off of
>"easy/medium/hard" settings on Tempest but now I'm not sure.
I think the one-size-fits-all approach is more than acceptable. Just make
the game get progressively harder as play continues.
It is amazing that you've done any of this in the first place. No matter
what you do you can be sure that everyone here truly appreciates it!
Received on Tue May 25 22:20:07 1999
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