On May 27, 9:46pm, jeff hendrix wrote:
> Subject: RE: Credit-maker?
> The only atari vector game that doesn't show the attract mode in free play
> is space duel.
> (and lunar lander doesn't have a free-play mode)
Lunar Lander most certainly does have a free-play mode...mine is currently set
up for free play. The attract mode continues, but the lamp for "training
mission" is always lit (compare to normal mode where ALL lamps are lit).
> > Certainly do-able if people want it.
> What machines need something like this ?
> All my Atari games seem to show the full atract in free-play mode (Battle
> Zone, Tempest, Centipede, Asteroids).
Space Duel is one exception.
> Sega G0-8 doesn't have a free play mode.
Nope. Still trying to get Clay to hack the EPROMs for this :-). Star Trek,
Tac/Scan, and maybe upright Eliminator loose their attract mode when credits
are on the screen.
> Clay -- you mentioned games that don't show attract in free play mode. What
> games are those ?
Bally Midway games also suffer from not having a free play mode. Tapper, DOT,
etc. You can wire the coin and credit switch together for DOT environmental,
but for the others you'd need to do something special to credit two player
games. I think Rampage does have free-play.
Mark Jenison E-mail address: jenison@cig.mot.com
Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
Received on Fri May 28 09:02:25 1999
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