> All my Atari games seem to show the full atract in free-play mode
> (Battle
> Zone, Tempest, Centipede, Asteroids).
Atari's pretty good about keeping "stuff" happening, but even then they
get a little sloppy. My Road Blasters has "PRESS START" burnin from
being in free-play... Gauntlet is a tricky one too 'cause you don't
really want "unlimited" health, but it's a pain to flick open the coin
doors to add-credits if you want to keep going... (On the other hand it
might be tricky to find a button to use to add credits! Guess you could
press and hold Magic or something. Kinda ugly...)
> Sega G0-8 doesn't have a free play mode.
True. Could use it to time the coin make-break too to keep those
> Clay -- you mentioned games that don't show attract in free play mode.
> What
> games are those ?
Ugh. I'd have to sit down with MAME and start checking. I know I've
got a few monitors with various types of "free play" induced burn-in,
but I don't know the games. With the exception of Star Trek and Ripoff
all my uprights are Atari. I'd suspect that some of the Cinemat stuff
changes on a coin drop, but that's speculation.... I also want to say
that some Namco and Taito titles were guilty (maybe Sky Shark and Dragon
Spirits?), but that's a pretty foggy memory...
Received on Fri May 28 10:46:50 1999
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