Ok, Clay. I figured out what was bothering me about your proposed "edit high
score" functionality. It comes down to this:
Cheaters cheat. Honest gamers don't.
Keep in mind that we are talking about collectors here, not games that go on
route. If a collector cheats to get a high score just to impress his
friends, he will not edit it out with your utility. If a collector's friend
was the one who figured out how to cheat, then that friend will figure out
how to edit the scores with your utility.
If a collector doesn't cheat then he has no need for your utility.
It doesn't matter how you define "cheat." Whether it is someone who sets the
dips to demo mode and back or someone who buys in to continues the
previously played game. It's irrelevent. The point is that a machine that
has cheat-achieved high scores will be abused further with your utility. On
a machine that has truly-achieved high scores, your utility will only serve
as a temptation to "switch over to the dark side." :)
Just one man's opinion.
Received on Fri May 28 14:51:24 1999
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