Donkey Kong doesn't, but some, like Mario Bros., does have a free play
option. BUT it is canceled when the machine is powered off and back on.
AND the way to get there is by holding the service switch in until the service
menu appears, then selecting free play.
Not exactly the nice, simple solution one would like to have.
steve wrote:
> The early Nintendo games, like the Donkey Kong series, don't go into
> attract if there are credits in them. They also don't have free play, so
> they need to be coined up.
> steve
> --- Clay Cowgill <> wrote:
> > > All my Atari games seem to show the full atract in free-play mode
> > > (Battle
> > > Zone, Tempest, Centipede, Asteroids).
> > >
> > Atari's pretty good about keeping "stuff" happening, but even then they
> > get a little sloppy. My Road Blasters has "PRESS START" burnin from
> > being in free-play... Gauntlet is a tricky one too 'cause you don't
> > really want "unlimited" health, but it's a pain to flick open the coin
> > doors to add-credits if you want to keep going... (On the other hand it
> > might be tricky to find a button to use to add credits! Guess you could
> > press and hold Magic or something. Kinda ugly...)
> >
> > > Sega G0-8 doesn't have a free play mode.
> > >
> > True. Could use it to time the coin make-break too to keep those
> > happy...
> >
> > > Clay -- you mentioned games that don't show attract in free play mode.
> > > What
> > > games are those ?
> > >
> > Ugh. I'd have to sit down with MAME and start checking. I know I've
> > got a few monitors with various types of "free play" induced burn-in,
> > but I don't know the games. With the exception of Star Trek and Ripoff
> > all my uprights are Atari. I'd suspect that some of the Cinemat stuff
> > changes on a coin drop, but that's speculation.... I also want to say
> > that some Namco and Taito titles were guilty (maybe Sky Shark and Dragon
> > Spirits?), but that's a pretty foggy memory...
> >
> > -Clay
> >
> >
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