Re: Weird G05 Problem, Please Help

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Mon Jul 19 1999 - 13:18:21 EDT

At this point, I've been pulling off every component to test individually
(at some point, brute force is the easiest way to go). I have convinced
myself that it has to be a problem in the Y deflection circuitry, but I
suppose its possible that it is a problem in the section that X and Y both
share (500 series parts). Eventually I will pull every component and
find them one at a time, but I thought maybe I had enough info for the
experts to point me in some kind of direction. I did replace the chasis
transistors and they were not shorted to ground. I even plugged the Y
chasis transistors into the X side to test them out and also reflowed
solder on every connector and wire from the amp connector. What shocked
me was the rate these last 2 resistors were frying. In less than a second,
it had burnt up quite a bit of the surrounding area.


At 09:48 AM 7/19/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I can almost bet that it's either bad solder joints or a hairline crack in
>a trace. I'd check REALLY close the pins that connect to the Large
>transistors mounted on the side. I'd do a continuity test on all the
>pins. Every time this problem comes up for me, it always winds up being
>some solder joint that is cracked ever so slightly.
>Just my two bits.
>On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Jon Raiford wrote:
>> Before I get into my problem, I just noticed that the g05 manual on
>> spies is different than the ones I have. Is the other manual
>> available somewhere also? I don't have it with me at work for the
>> looking up the components that failed, although there is a single .gif
>> on gamearchive of the deflection board. If it has not been scanned in
>> already (which I kinda doubt), I will scan it sometime over the next
>> few days if time allows and send it to David Haynes and Al Kossow for
>> them to put online. Does anyone have value for this? Anyway, on to
>> the problem at hand...
>> I am having one hell of a time trying to get my G05 to work. Here is
>> what I have been through so far: When I first got the machine a
>> couple months ago, I fired it up and it had no Y deflection. I
>> installed a cap kit (including the chasis transistors). The problem
>> was still there. I looked on the board, and there was one visibly
>> fried resistor R610. Replaced it with no luck. Using my remedial
>> skills, I managed to locate several dead components: R620, R610, Q603,
>> Q605 (replaced in that order). I replaced them along with all of the
>> 470 ohm resistors and all of the TIS98 transistors (I even desoldered
>> and tested every resistor in the R600's). I also swapped the yoke
>> wires and it was fine (just gave vertical deflection at that point).
>> The pins in the AMP connector from the main board were falling out so
>> I replaced them. When I replaced Q605 and tried it out (I couldn't
>> find any other problems), R618 and R613 were killed with extreme
>> prejudice. I verified that the voltag! ! es from the power supply
>> were correct, and the game plays fine blind. The x, y, and z outputs
>> tested good too (slight low voltage swings).
>> What is the best way to track this down? FWIW, I don't have a scope
>> to play with.
>> Thanks for any insight!
>> Jon
Received on Mon Jul 19 12:24:01 1999

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