Re: a little more cine history

From: Callan Hendricks <>
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 12:56:34 EDT

>He REALLY likes QB-3 and remembers seeing a bunch of them at an
>AMOA show. It was a color trackball game, sort of like Tempest.
>Each face of a cube was a separate battle and you could rotate
>from one battle to another with the trackball. The next level
>was a dodecahedron. I'll have to ask him if he remembers anything
>else about the control panel.

This sounds exactly like the laser game Cube Quest. Same controls, same

The control panel is black with 3 buttons. One big yellow button in the
middle above the trackball (this selects your cube side), and 2 red buttons
to the left and right of the trackball.

Received on Tue Aug 31 12:00:06 1999

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