At 11:10 AM 9/1/99 -0700, Clay wrote:
>It's all software. You can find it pretty close to the beginning of the
>code in Star Trek at least.
> .snip.
>Since I never seem to get around to this, I'll look for my disassemblies of
>all the G-80 stuff. I think I noted the coin-timer in at least one...
>Probably a two-byte patch to just jump over it...
Like Clay said it's all in software. I looked at it a long time
ago when doing the security stuff so it all looks Greek now.
Here's the routine from Space Fury. I'm seem to remember that it's
the same for all games. Have fun!
L0095: LD B,#E7 ;INT due to COINA or COINB
L0097: IN A,(#F8) ;Check switch inputs, Active LOW
AND D ;a = a .AND. /(initial input)
JR NZ,#00A4 ;Don't JP if switch still pressed
LD A,#A0 ;small delay
L009E: DEC A
JR NZ,#009E
DJNZ #0097 ;keep looking for switch release
DEC B ;Release Timeout, B = #FF
L00A4: LD A,B ;switch released
CP #C8 ;time the switch closure period
JR NC,#00DA ;JP if timeout or period too short
LD BC,#04FB ;In_PORT = #FB, DIP switches
LD L,#00
LD E,L ;E & L = #00
L00B2: IN A,(C)
RRA ;Move DIP SW2-1 into E,b1
RL E ;
RL L ;Move DIP SW2-5 into E,b0
DJNZ #00B2 ;E(d3-d0) = SW2( 1,2,3,4 )
LD A,L ;L(d3-d0) = SW2( 5,6,7,8 )
CP E ;compare the two halves of the switch
JR Z,#00CB ;JP if SW2 positions identical
BIT 7,D ;Complemented & Masked inputs, D7,6,5 of #F8
JR NZ,#00CB ;D7 is COINA
LD A,E ;SW2-1,2,3,4
INC HL ;HL = #C80F
It goes on from here but that's the meat of it.
David Fish | "We want...Information. INFORMATION
Melrose, MA USA | You won't get it! | By hook or by crook we will" | _The Prisoner_
Received on Wed Sep 1 17:13:38 1999
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