On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 16:56:10 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
>"There is an emulator available (written in Java) where someone
>emulated the original PDP-1 instruction set (in Java) and then ran the
>PDP-1 memory image of the original Spacewars. I have the link at
>home, but not here in the office, I'll dig for it tonight.
>Download the latest copy of MESS, and try the PDP-1 version
>there. It has a star field, and it's interesting to see a
>space game that DOESN'T have an image of the Enterprise in
>it (having been coded before the show's debut)
Oops! Ingore that comment in the last email, looks like someone HAS
written a REAL PDP-1 emulator!
Received on Thu Oct 28 19:13:13 1999
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