Re: Space Wars Options

From: Aaron Howald <>
Date: Fri Oct 29 1999 - 00:39:41 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: jeff hendrix <jhendrix@Quark.Com>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 2:55 PM
Subject: Space Wars Options

> I have the following options in my color space wars.
> (currently they are a compile time options, but I'll be making them run
> real soon)
> -Center: star, black hole
> -gravity : +, -, none (in process of implimenting)
> -edges: wrap, bounce (bounce not yet implimented)

I vote for 3 possible new ideas here...if player touches screen edge...

"Damage" ship damaged in some way,
thrust crooked or less shots or slower fire rate?

"Disable" ship unable to fire for a short time

"Death" :*) 'nuff said.

> -thrust: high, med, low (this still needs some work)
> -friction: Full, high, med, low, none (full is like the beginner mode in
> space wars, you only move when the thrust button is down, and you turn on
> dime) (currently it's possible to set the drag high enough to keep the
> from ever moving, but I will fix)
> -shots: fast, med, slow (not yet implimented)

Don't forget to add the speed of the ship to the shot!
Good luck!

Aaron Howald
Received on Thu Oct 28 23:39:53 1999

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