Space Wars Options

From: jeff hendrix <jhendrix_at_Quark.Com>
Date: Thu Oct 28 1999 - 17:55:07 EDT

I have the following options in my color space wars.
(currently they are a compile time options, but I'll be making them run time
real soon)

-Center: star, black hole
-gravity : +, -, none (in process of implimenting)
-edges: wrap, bounce (bounce not yet implimented)
-thrust: high, med, low (this still needs some work)
-friction: Full, high, med, low, none (full is like the beginner mode in
space wars, you only move when the thrust button is down, and you turn on a
dime) (currently it's possible to set the drag high enough to keep the ship
from ever moving, but I will fix)
-shots: fast, med, slow (not yet implimented)

When just the start button is pressed, it will perform a reset.
When the option button is pressed, it will bring up a menu at the bottom of
the screen and the option button will then move it from option to option and
the start button will change the option. You can then select the last item,
which is reset, and if you push start the game will reset and the menu will
go away. Or you can not push either button for a period of time (maybe 5
seconds) and the menu will go away.

Any other options that you would like to see.

Some other things I'm still deciding on.
At first I wasn't going to have gravity effect the shots (like the original
space wars), but as long as the gravity routine isn't too time consuming,
I'll make them feel the effect. (should I make this an option that can be
turned on and off?)

Should I limit bullets and/or fuel for each round?

Received on Thu Oct 28 16:56:32 1999

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