Slow Vectors???

From: Mendel Pearl <>
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 07:20:10 EST

Ok, I am still working on my Tempest, and I found out the AVG circuitry is OK,
at least everything from the three DAC's, and the DAC's itself.

I can see all the graphics, but it looks like they are drawn too slow! (the spot
killer flashes on-and of).
In normal play mode, you can hardly recognise it is tempest (screen is like
'zooming' in and out), but in the test mode all graphics are clear, but are
drawn twice as slow (display flickers)
Also, when in the audio test mode, the four tones are played twice too slow. It
does not indicate an ROM/RAM error.

I have checked the clock circuitry, which is generating all clocking OK. I have
swapped the Mathbox with a known good one, and this does not help either.

Has anyone a clue how this is possible?

By the way, I am planning to make a complete doc on all waveforms in the AVG, so
others can use it to troubleshoot a non-working one. Do you think this could be
useful or should I save the effort? And, if not, is there somebody who is
willing host it on his website?

Cya !
Received on Tue Nov 16 06:16:48 1999

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