Gotta be the yoke twisted on the tube, ehhh? (how's *that* for a Canadian
accent, eh John?) Not EVERYTHING has to be complex, even if it IS a vector
game. Though I can imagine that we're going to be hearing some more technical
possibilies here soon...
Ni-Wumpf Ltd.
Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California wrote:
> I think I may have brought this up before. But I have a G08 monitor that
> works perfectly fine except the picture is crooked.
> /---------------/
> / /
> / /
> /---------------/
> This is what it looks like when you put the game in self test and it shows
> you a rectangle. As you can see (unless your mailreader has screwed it
> up), it's a rectangle with more of an 80 degree angle in the lower left
> and upper right hand corners.
> Can anyone quess as to what might be some likely causes for this?
> Matt
-- David Humphrey Network Consultant Professional Services GTE Technology Organization 10 Fawcett St. Cambridge, MA 02138 e-mail: tel: 617 873 7548 Pager: 888 548 5834 ( on Mon Dec 6 11:34:34 1999
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