Re: Speaking of G08 monitors

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 14:37:29 EST

Well, maybe. Not the yoke twisted on the tube (because half the pattern is
correct) but maybe one winding twisted in respect to another winding. Possible,
but I've never heard of such a thing happening. I'd be more likely to believe the
deflection chip on the monitor is somehow doing this. OR a grounding problem on
the yoke feedback resistors that allows feedback in one axis to skew the other
axis. Easy way to tell would be to turn down the size of the rectangle and see if
the angles change. Same angles would point at the yoke, but changing angles would
point at the circuitry.

ddhumphr wrote:

> Gotta be the yoke twisted on the tube, ehhh? (how's *that* for a Canadian
> accent, eh John?) Not EVERYTHING has to be complex, even if it IS a vector
> game. Though I can imagine that we're going to be hearing some more technical
> possibilies here soon...
> Ace
> Ni-Wumpf Ltd.
> Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California wrote:
> > I think I may have brought this up before. But I have a G08 monitor that
> > works perfectly fine except the picture is crooked.
> >
> > /---------------/
> > / /
> > / /
> > /---------------/
> >
> > This is what it looks like when you put the game in self test and it shows
> > you a rectangle. As you can see (unless your mailreader has screwed it
> > up), it's a rectangle with more of an 80 degree angle in the lower left
> > and upper right hand corners.
> >
> > Can anyone quess as to what might be some likely causes for this?
> >
> > Matt
> --
> David Humphrey
> Network Consultant
> Professional Services
> GTE Technology Organization
> 10 Fawcett St.
> Cambridge, MA 02138
> e-mail:
> tel: 617 873 7548
> Pager: 888 548 5834 (

32 bit graphical interface for a
16 bit patch for an
8 bit operating system written for a
4 bit processor by a
2 bit company that can't stand
1 bit of competition.
Received on Mon Dec 6 13:50:17 1999

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