I assume you tried a different G08 and it worked fine, eh? (only one "H" in
eh, eh?) If that is the case, then I think the problem is more likely in
the ground circuitry on the deflection chip, it's bias is off for the
vertical deflection is a wild guess...I think that a problem with the
circuitry could give EITHER consistent angles or changing when the gain is
reduced. Depends on the error. The only way a yoke could fail would be if
it was damaged, and I suspect it would blow the outputs if that happened.
John :-#)#
At 01:37 PM 12/6/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>Well, maybe. Not the yoke twisted on the tube (because half the pattern is
>correct) but maybe one winding twisted in respect to another
>winding. Possible,
>but I've never heard of such a thing happening. I'd be more likely to
>believe the
>deflection chip on the monitor is somehow doing this. OR a grounding
>problem on
>the yoke feedback resistors that allows feedback in one axis to skew the other
>axis. Easy way to tell would be to turn down the size of the rectangle
>and see if
>the angles change. Same angles would point at the yoke, but changing
>angles would
>point at the circuitry.
>ddhumphr wrote:
> > Gotta be the yoke twisted on the tube, ehhh? (how's *that* for a Canadian
> > accent, eh John?) Not EVERYTHING has to be complex, even if it IS a vector
> > game. Though I can imagine that we're going to be hearing some more
> technical
> > possibilies here soon...
> >
> > Ace
> > Ni-Wumpf Ltd.
> >
> > Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California wrote:
> >
> > > I think I may have brought this up before. But I have a G08 monitor that
> > > works perfectly fine except the picture is crooked.
> > >
> > > /---------------/
> > > / /
> > > / /
> > > /---------------/
> > >
> > > This is what it looks like when you put the game in self test and it
> shows
> > > you a rectangle. As you can see (unless your mailreader has screwed it
> > > up), it's a rectangle with more of an 80 degree angle in the lower left
> > > and upper right hand corners.
> > >
> > > Can anyone quess as to what might be some likely causes for this?
> > >
> > > Matt
> >
> > --
> > David Humphrey
> > Network Consultant
> > Professional Services
> >
> > GTE Technology Organization
> > 10 Fawcett St.
> > Cambridge, MA 02138
> > e-mail: david@bbn.com
> > tel: 617 873 7548
> > Pager: 888 548 5834 (5485834@skytel.com)
>32 bit graphical interface for a
>16 bit patch for an
>8 bit operating system written for a
>4 bit processor by a
>2 bit company that can't stand
>1 bit of competition.
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
Received on Mon Dec 6 14:39:16 1999
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