Zanen cap kits..

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 09:19:02 EST

hi all..

I fixed a friend's upright star wars the other day (just a blown fuse ;),
and his monitor is exhibiting incredibly wobbly vectors.. he says it has
done it for years..

I was wondering what the best cure for this ailment may be? I was thinking
of installing cap kit, then perhaps replace the drive transistors?

should i just do both anyhow?

I can't remember the model of the monitor in there, it was a Wells-Gardener,
anybody let us know if Zanen or any other place has a cap kit available for
one? I'm in the UK, and have had kits in the past from them, but i have
always had to deal through someone in the states, is anybody out there
willing to help? I'm also looking to get some more kits in stock, because
people are usually always in need of them in the UK, i thought maybe
somebody should keep a stock (ie me), and pass them on at cost.

many thanks..

Andy Welburn - A Collector of fine video game antiquities
 ATARI Battlezone AVG and AUX Logic Game Boards
Received on Tue Dec 7 08:18:37 1999

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