Tempest Monitor Tech Cause or Symptom???

From: Jeff Bovee <jbovee_at_voyager.net>
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 16:53:05 EST

I'm trying to fix my Tempest monitor, I've installed a new HV unit, and I
powered it up...... no smoke, but a nice flash as F700 vaporized. I tested
the transistors connected to it and it appears that the 2N3792 is dead. Is
this the cause of my fuse blow or are they both symptoms of a larger
problem?? I just wanted some input before I replace the transistor and
power it up again, don't want to waste more transistors than I have to.
Thanks for all the help in advance!!!! On a positive note, I powered it up
without the monitor and from the sounds I'm hearing I think I'll be playing
Tempest real soon ;-)

Thanks Again,
Received on Wed Dec 8 15:54:09 1999

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