Yikes, I say!
I took a look at that site and couldn't believe he would document his
follies! I wouldn't give the site a second look, except for laughs.
I laughed hysterically when I saw the picture of the screwdriver still
wedged underneath the anode cap. I wouldn't want to be around there if the
screwdriver fell just right on the neck. In my experience as a Broadcast
Engineer, I've never had an instance when a CRT reacquired its charge after
a single discharge of the anode cap to ground (CHASSIS ground). There's
nothing left to kick off the FBT.
Providing the monitor is unplugged in the first place. If not, then there's
always a spot on the Darwin Awards.
Anyhow, I haven't done anything with my SD since making work copies of the
schematics (the game is 1/2 hr away). The next step I believe I should take
is to connect a VOM's + to a ground on the board, and 'feel' around the
chips with the - lead... That'll send be in the right direction where I can
determine the cause for the watchdog timeout. I seem to remember not seeing
activity on the two outermost EPROM test points.
It'll be a joy not hearing the click, click, click of the coin bypass coil.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher X. Candreva
One thing this show reminded me of -- did anyone ever contact the person
with the alternate cap-kit instructions, and actually tell him his
method of tube discharging is -- suboptimal ?
Received on Mon Dec 13 11:59:56 1999
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