The 'monster' cable ground wire is a hoot as well. What is that? 6 gauge wire?
Mehrtens John-LJM071 wrote:
> Yikes, I say!
> I took a look at that site and couldn't believe he would document his
> follies! I wouldn't give the site a second look, except for laughs.
> I laughed hysterically when I saw the picture of the screwdriver still
> wedged underneath the anode cap. I wouldn't want to be around there if the
> screwdriver fell just right on the neck. In my experience as a Broadcast
> Engineer, I've never had an instance when a CRT reacquired its charge after
> a single discharge of the anode cap to ground (CHASSIS ground). There's
> nothing left to kick off the FBT.
> Providing the monitor is unplugged in the first place. If not, then there's
> always a spot on the Darwin Awards.
> Anyhow, I haven't done anything with my SD since making work copies of the
> schematics (the game is 1/2 hr away). The next step I believe I should take
> is to connect a VOM's + to a ground on the board, and 'feel' around the
> chips with the - lead... That'll send be in the right direction where I can
> determine the cause for the watchdog timeout. I seem to remember not seeing
> activity on the two outermost EPROM test points.
> It'll be a joy not hearing the click, click, click of the coin bypass coil.
> -John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher X. Candreva
> One thing this show reminded me of -- did anyone ever contact the person
> with the alternate cap-kit instructions, and actually tell him his
> method of tube discharging is -- suboptimal ?
> :-)
> -Chris
Received on Mon Dec 13 12:50:09 1999
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