Re: Battlezone question(s)

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 18:44:47 EST

"Mark A. Jenison" wrote:

> Other than double checking that the chips you re-inserted don't have
> any legs folded over (happens all the time) and that they are facing
> the correct direction, I would suggest resoldering all the header
> pins which go between the cable that connects the main board to the
> aux board; these pins typically have broken solder joints (similar
> to what happens to Tempest boardsets). These connections often go
> bad and cause all sorts of havoc.

Connections are an excellent place to start as there was quite a bit of
struggle getting the connector reseated. I was making certain that each
chip was reinserted in the same orientation that I removed it, but this
begs the question - which is the correct orientation for the chip? I
don't see a "pin 1" designation on the chip, nor do I see one marked on
the board.

> You asked for advice, so here's some; next time a test tells you to try a
> specific chip, just replace that chip for starters :-). There's a certain
> amount of "regression" testing that you should do with vector boards (ie,
> don't try and do too much at once or you won't be able to find your way
> back, so to speak).

Excellent advise.

Received on Mon Dec 20 17:44:50 1999

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