Re: 'Troids, was a lot of other junk

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 08:22:10 EST

This is not a bad situation to have. There is very little holding you back
at this point, so don't give up :). Get yourself a logic probe at the shit shack
and check the inputs to the DAC on the X circuit. You should see activity
on all input pins (pins 4 - 13). At this point, I just swap out the TL082
(don't forget to socket it). From what I can tell, it is usually what fails,
and its nice to know that the shit shack carries them (I picked up 2
the other day). If this doesn't fix it, it is probably the DAC. There was talk
in here the other day about getting replacements.

Btw, take a look at the schematics for this little circuit (page 2B). There
isn't much to it at all. The components that usually fail are electrolytic
capacitors, diodes, transistors, and IC's (not in that order). Looking at
this circuit shows very few of these things to worry about (just in case
the brute force method is needed).


At 10:42 PM 01/04/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Still can get no AC voltage reading from the X output of the gameboard. On
>the Y, I get a fluctuating 2 - 3 VAC. Game plays fine by the sound of it
>and the start buttons ( I got through the first level once without a
>monitor!). The chips in the X / Y circuitry all seem to keep approx the
>same temp. I am kinda stuck and have no scope.... :(
>Please help
Received on Wed Jan 5 07:28:49 2000

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