> but what is the point of VAPS?
> It is a who's who and a brag sheet, basically. Couple
> problems I see with VAPS.... 1)the format.. (as Eric said) with board
> skewing the numbers quite a bit with top collected game and what not.
> 3) Bizzare categories like "Knowledge" that you are supposed to fill out
> about games you own. Does this make sense to anyone as a category? And
> cares how much knowledge someone has?
I had responded to Kev privately to keep it out of the vector list, but
since a number of people have questioned it, since I brought it up, I'd like
to explain my answer. Yes it is a brag list, but I don't see a problem with
that. I also agree with the format problems that a few others have pointed
out. But if used as a reference item, I think it's a great thing. More
than once I have e-mailed directly owners of a game with a question (after
it went unaswered on RGVAC) and they have helped out (and yes I used the
"knowledge" category to help decide who to e-mail). No one has minded the
direct e-mailing probably because it wasn't just spam, and I wasn't out
trying to buy their game. But people being what they are, I can also see a
lot of abuse. I'm glad I haven't heard of any (yet).
Received on Wed Jan 5 08:48:39 2000
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