Re: Prom Programmers

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Sun Jan 16 2000 - 22:30:48 EST

I added Clay's info to the FAQ (literally). I will go search the archives for
other people's personal favorites as well. But if you want to voice a vote for
your favorite programmer, email me and I will add it to the FAQ.

Clay Cowgill wrote:
> >I've always wondered what the group members use to program
> >proms like 82S123 (? etc) that can be found on non-vector games
> >like Galaga and MsPacman etc .... What's a good programmer to use
> >for bipolars (my Needhams EMP10 doesn't seem to have this capacity)?
> >Is there one unit out there in the marketplace (old or new) that does both
> >bipolar proms and older Eproms like 2516, 2716, 2532 etc?
> I'm partial to my Modular Circuit Technologies E-MUP. (They're about $500
> from JDR Micro, but I got mine as a refurb from someplace for $275.) It
> does pretty much all PROMs, EPROMs, and PLDs, plus testing some RAM and TTL
> devices. I've used it to burn all the PROMs and PALs for all the
> TempestMultigames and SW/ESB games over the years and never had any problems
> with it. (knock on wood)
> (This is probably something good for the FAQ since it seems to come up a
> couple times a year.)
> Whatever you get, it's wise to make sure it supports:
> 82S123
> 82S126
> 82S129
> 82S137
> 82S141
> 82S135
> Those should keep you in pretty good shape as far as vector PROMs are
> concerned.
> -Clay
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