On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Jess Askey wrote:
> I added Clay's info to the FAQ (literally). I will go search the archives for
> other people's personal favorites as well. But if you want to voice a vote for
> your favorite programmer, email me and I will add it to the FAQ.
I'll put in a small plug for the Allmax. The one caveat of the Allmax is
that it doesn't support TI's bipolar parts. (18S030, etc.) It's probably
quite *capable* of programming them (i.e. at the hardware level), but EE
Tools has never added the proper magic bytes to their configuration files
to allow for it. I found this out the hard way when I tried to burn some
PROMs, and the only parts I had available were the TI equivalents. (In
order to burn TI parts, I'd have to reverse-engineer the Allmax's config
files and probably fry a few chips while I trial-and-errored my way
through it :)
I've successfully burned Signetics, NatSemi, and AMD PROMs in my Allmax
with no problems. Ditto a few PALs, GALs, and large (27080) EPROMs.
-- dougj | @ | hwcn.org | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the ** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other ** questions, comments, or problems to neil@synthcom.com.Received on Mon Jan 17 10:12:39 2000
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