Re: RE: Space Wars

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 02:48:35 EST

On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Clay Cowgill wrote:

> Not to answer on Jeff's behalf or anything, but he's doing real
> point-on-line collision checking which is a fair amount of math. Space Duel

You left out the dumb-ass part -- but that explains it. (I really wasn't
busting on Jeff's ability, it just seemed odd).

> (and Asteroids and its kin) are using simple bounding-box checks that are a
> lot faster, but less accurate. Jeff's Space War could concievably know the
> exact part of the ship hit, so you could blow off an engine or all sorts of
> possibilities.

> the other hand Atari themselves built elaborate mathboxes (Red Baron,
> Battlezone, Tempest, Star Wars) and used multiple processors (Star Wars,

OK -- you've convinced me. I was never one for hand-tuning assembly anyway
-- just reading about those who did. :-)


Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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