Vectorlist Archives By Subject
- 720->MH Control Panel
- AD Cocktail Overlay
- Amplifone Equiped Games- Total Numbers -more nonsense trivia
- Amplifone MC1....
- Ampliphone 13" color monitor manual
- and they come out of the woodwork..
- Anybody ever made Asteroids Deluxe CT overlays?
- archive list
- Asteroids Delux Mpeg
- Asteroids Deluxe Problem
- Asteroids problem.
- Bridge rectifier
- BU406D
- Can anyone ID this HV trans...
- cheap little processors
- Control Panels - Asteroids...
- DAC80's
- Dedicated MH Roller Replacement - Finished.
- File images
- Flyback for Asteroids Cocktail
- flybacks
- Follow up: WG6100 picture fluctuation
- FS: WG6101 Yokes
- fun little board
- Gone for a couple of days
- Gravitar Schematics
- Here's an odd idea...
- Inductance values of WG xy yokes
- Major Havoc conversion questions
- Major havoc too dark?
- Making my contribution...
- Mavor Havoc lost sounds
- More of Peter's Sig Analysis Guides....
- newbie - Battlezone problems.
- No red with WG K6100
- Quantum overlay
- Question about the Tempest marquee repros
- RATBox Progress?
- Replacing the G05 HV Diode
- Richardson
- Searching vectorlist & WGXY help
- Sega VIC replacement board?
- Sega XY
- Sega XY and Production run numbers
- Source for AY-3-8912 chips
- Source for Battlezone/Red Baron Joystick Handles
- source for WG K6100 flybacks
- Space Wars
- Star Castle monitor gel ($15 on Ebay)...
- Star Trek Speech
- Star Wars part-out
- Tanner sold out of AD561...
- Tempest level editor
- Test message
- Thanks Neil
- The first 25" Major Havoc lives!
- Trade: my WG color XY HV units for your deflection boards?
- Vector "chatter"
- Vector Production Numbers- followup- Raster #'s
- Vector Production Numbers- The Final Answer.....
- Vector: MH - Tempest conversion
- WG6100 Bowing
- WG6100 HV Crackle
- WG6100 picture fluctuation
- WT: Asteroids monitor surround
- WTB: Asteroids monitor cardboard repro
- WTB: Star Wars parts
- WTB: WG6100 tube
- Zannen HV transformer
- Last message date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 23:36:35 EST
- Archived on: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 00:33:09 EDT