Re: RE: Space Wars

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 02:01:19 EST

I suppose it's out of the question to just put a Rockwell 65F11 in there and
have everyone write their programs using the on-chip Forth? There's even a
routine in there to program the EPROMs!

(If anyone needs me I'll be over here hiding under this rock.)

Clay Cowgill wrote:

> >I too am wondering why a co-processor is needed. To say "he's doing real"
> >hard stuff doesn't justify adding a co-processor. Just don't do such an
> >elaborate collision detection. Here's a suggestion:
> No offense intended, but you're kind-of missing the point. ;-) Think big
> picture: We're trying to build a platform that just plugs into a Space
> Duel/Gravitar that will encourage people to write new games for the system
> hardware and sell them on little "cartridges" that plug into some slots on
> the board. Kinda like a Vector Neo-Geo if you will...
> With some tricks and compromises I'm sure you could probably come "close
> enough" to do a version of Space Wars on SD hardware, but for around $10
> bucks in parts we can add a math-coprocessor that concievably makes games
> that are *not* possible now, possible later on... Atari had math
> acceleration (and moved to the 6809) for a reason-- more compute power for
> the game...
> People have a tendency not to finish projects. Anything that we do that
> makes it easier to finish a game is probably a good thing 'cause that's one
> more toy for all of us to play with. ;-) Adding additional RAM and ROM, and
> even math-acceleration should make it easier to code on the platform without
> needing such massive investments of time to squeeze ever last cycle out of
> the system.
> -Clay
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32 bit graphical interface for a
16 bit patch for an
8 bit operating system written for a
4 bit processor by a
2 bit company that can't stand
1 bit of competition.
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Received on Fri Feb 4 02:13:49 2000

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