RE: RE: Space Wars

From: Ozdemir, Steven S, GOVMK <>
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 01:11:54 EST

G'day Clay and all,

As I remember during the last few months I did some extensive number
crunching on Atari XY cabinets in VAPS. If you search for "market research"
in a vectorlist archive you might find this email of mine?

I think the conclusion was that there were well over 100 "non-Tempest" Atari
XY owners who might be interested in an (SD|Grav|BW)->Tempest conversion. I
didn't include Star Wars cabinets, since I wasn't too sure how easy it'd be
to put Tempest on that platform.

            Steve Ozdemir

ps - Any guesses if more Star Wars cabinets exist than Space Duel, Gravitar
and Black Widow combined?

-----Original Message-----
From: Clay Cowgill []

I can't seem to get to answer at the moment, but I bet
a quick check there will reveal far more Space Duels and Gravitars
(combined) than Major Havocs.

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Received on Fri Feb 4 01:19:14 2000

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