Re: RE: Space Wars

From: Paul Kahler <>
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 18:36:16 EST

> >I too am wondering why a co-processor is needed. To say "he's doing real"
> >hard stuff doesn't justify adding a co-processor. Just don't do such an
> >elaborate collision detection. Here's a suggestion:
> No offense intended, but you're kind-of missing the point. ;-) Think big
> picture: We're trying to build a platform that just plugs into a Space
> Duel/Gravitar that will encourage people to write new games for the system
> hardware and sell them on little "cartridges" that plug into some slots on
> the board. Kinda like a Vector Neo-Geo if you will...

No offense taken, and none intended in the following. If you're thinking
"big picture" then Scenix shouldn't even come to mind. At least drop a
DSP on there. Or better yet, a power PC of some sort. Anything 32bit
in the 10s of MHz should have faster math than a Scenix. BTW I hope
you were at least going to provide a way for the 6502 to flash the
coprocessor :-)

I like the cart idea and I think those processors are neat, but lets be
realistic here. I'm not going to modify my Space Duel to add in a 21st
century 8 bit processor with 128 bytes of RAM to use as a collision
detector :-) BTW, a fast 16 or 32 bitter could probably emulate the 6502
and the Cinematronics processor.

Just my 2 cents.

 ___   __   _   _  _
|   \ /  \ | | | || |     Engineer/Programmer
|  _/| || || |_| || |__     " What makes someone care so much?
|_|  |_||_| \___/ |____)      for things another man can just ignore. " -S.H.
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