At 01:13 PM 2/19/00 PST, Clay wrote:
>>I've got something I'd like to donate to the group in the hopes it may
>>somehow benefit everyone in some manner.
>That's a cool offer-- since I already have an older Applied Microsystems
>Z-80 ICE I'll defer to anyone else that might have use for it. Dave Fish
>comes to mind since I recall him having his Z-80 devsys die when decrypting
>the Sega G-80 security stuff for us a few years back...
Hey Clay,
Good memory! I put all my Z80 stuff aside and have entered into the
arcan(d)e world of the 6502. I'd love to find a 6502 emulator, I've been
looking for one for about 6 years with no luck. I've also since picked up
another Gould Millemium (Z80) from to get parts from work to get my others
working, tempermental beasts!
Anyway, thanks Christopher and Clay but it will be of more use to someone
else. On the side... this kind of stuff makes me love the V-List and long
for the days on RGVAC that were. Sigh...
David Fish "We want...Information. INFORMATION
Melrose, MA USA You won't get it! By hook or by crook we will" _The Prisoner_
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