"Mark A. Jenison" wrote:
> Two things I noticed:
> 1) Asteroids production numbers: 47,000+.
> I and many others had been led to believe that Asteroids went back into
> production and crossed over the 50,000 mark, and those over the 50,000
> mark were consider "gold version". Anyone know anything about this, or
> is this just "urban legend?"
I think they only made 10 'gold' versions, supposedly 50,000-50,010 I would guess.
This was told to me by Howie Delman who was the hardware engineer for Asteroids.
> 2) Black Widow cost: $995
> Space Duel was around $2000, so I figure that either this is a typo, or
> this is the price of the upgrade kit (cp, header, bezel, sideart, board).
> Even though I heard some of the upgrade kits were done at the factory.
My guess is that the dedicated BW's (the ones converted at the factory) were
actually not officially made. I bet they took a loss on the gravitar cabs and
then used the factory converted ones to give out to distributors or whoever
sort of under the table. From talking to distributors and such, I have heard
lots of stories like that were the deal was....
If you buy 10 more Gravitars (already produced and sitting in the warehouse),
we will 'give' you 5 free dedicated cabs of our newest vector game (BW)..
That way, Atari moved 15 gravitars for the price of ten. But at least they got
10 more of those damn gravitars out of the warehouse! And with the case of BW,
they actually got 15 moved out!
> Can anyone clear this up?
> Last but not least, do the production numbers gel in any way with the
> serial numbers that Jess Askey has been recording on his web page?
I haven't looked at the database for a loooooong time. Im sure there is quite
a collection of serial numbers in there now.
> A few more questions:
> How specific are magnetic rings (those used for purity adjustments)? Can
> I use the magnetic rings from another monitor, like a raster monitor, or
> another color XY to replace missing rings from a G08 monitor I have?
> BTW, I have 2 Amplifone color XY 19" yokes. I have no idea what these are
> worth, but would like to offer them to anyone who is interested. If
> possible, I would like to trade them for some board repair: A Lunar
> Lander boardset, and a Black Widow boardset.
> Thanks!
> BTW, if my previous posts about these two subjects did get through, sorry
> for wasting the bandwidth.
> --
> Mark Jenison
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