Re: Relocatable vector games available

From: Al Kossow <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 12:53:33 EST

"I though Kev was saying that my "drop crap through the gravity
fields" game idea was just like Clowns."

Had another game idea that's pinball related. It would be like breakout, except
after you launch the ball, you use two buttons to 'nudge' the entire playfield
left or right. The amount of horizontal acceleration is inversely proportional
to how long you hold down the button. Downward movement is due to 'gravity' and
upward motion happens when you run into a 'bumper'.

It seems like a fair amount of skill would be required to keep the 'ball' in
play, which might make for interesting game play, and because you're moving the
ENTIRE playfield, this sort of game would have been VERY difficult to do on
raster games without hardware panning or modern fast hardware.

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Received on Fri Mar 17 13:07:13 2000

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