Re: Relocatable vector games available

From: Al Kossow <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 14:23:14 EST

"Try doing panning on a game like Pacman and you'll know what he's talking
about. There's 128 playfield characters that are ROMmed with no hardware
scrolling support.

sorry for not being clearer about this.
sprites, obviously are designed to move in X and Y, but there weren't
a lot of games before the days of large ROMs that had full motion
backgrounds. That was one of the things that made games like Marble
Madness unique at the time.. detailed x/y scrolling backgrounds.
It was also one of the unique game elements in Major Havoc (and one
that Owen is quite proud of) that the 'camera' pans with the player,
so the playfield moves around the player.
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Received on Fri Mar 17 14:36:03 2000

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