Re: Trouble with WG6100

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 13:00:30 EDT

At 08:01 AM 4/10/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Turns out you were right Jon, I should have been more careful with Bob
>Robert's unsupported upgrade kit. Turns out the transistors included in the
>kit for Q607/Q704 were the wrong type and were causing all the blown diodes
>and fuses.

I wonder where Bob got his list from... I do have a few 6100's to recap and fix soon, so maybe I'll put together some kind of doc that explains the upgrade kit in a way people don't have to think about what they are doing (nothing personal Walt :) )

>Also got one of my Tempest boardsets working. One down two to go. Plus I
>am still having the problem with the Black Widow board (missing text
>vectors). Vector address decoders and buffer all check out - so I am moving
>on from there. Ah, the projects.........................

I'm guessing that its unable to read the vector information out of the roms for the text. Does anyone know where in ROM the text is stored? If I remember correctly, you said that you were able to test the ROMs themselves, so maybe the sockets are flaky or something? Or maybe there is still a stuck bit, but I'm not sure where to look.


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Received on Mon Apr 10 13:12:42 2000

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