Re: Trouble with WG6100

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 13:12:37 EDT

Jon Raiford wrote:
> I'm guessing that its unable to read the vector information out of the roms for the text. Does anyone know where in ROM the text is stored? If I remember correctly, you said that you were able to test the ROMs themselves, so maybe the sockets are flaky or something? Or maybe there is still a stuck bit, but I'm not sure where to look.

Well the vector data for the text is stored in the ROM's somewhere. But, the only logic
between the ROM's and the Alphanumeric data would be the vector address decoders and the
vector data buffer. If the buffer was bad, all vector data would be corrupt from the
ROM's. If the address decoder were bad, then the ROM would give an incorrect CSUM.

First thing to do is to see if the text segments that are missing have any one thing in
common (All horizontal, all vertical, preceeded by a horizontal vector, preceeded by a
vertical vector etc). Is the same segment missing in the same letter drawn later?

First thing to do is to try swapping the AVG controller IC since it is socketed, if it
fails, you can have a plethora of symptoms.


> Jon
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Received on Mon Apr 10 13:23:44 2000

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