Re: Trouble with WG6100

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 13:28:02 EDT

At 11:12 AM 4/10/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Jon Raiford wrote:
>Well the vector data for the text is stored in the ROM's somewhere. But, the only logic
>between the ROM's and the Alphanumeric data would be the vector address decoders and the
>vector data buffer. If the buffer was bad, all vector data would be corrupt from the
>ROM's. If the address decoder were bad, then the ROM would give an incorrect CSUM.

Maybe it is giving a bad checksum.. He can't tell because the test screen is all garbled from the text :)

>First thing to do is to see if the text segments that are missing have any one thing in
>common (All horizontal, all vertical, preceeded by a horizontal vector, preceeded by a
>vertical vector etc). Is the same segment missing in the same letter drawn later?

When I talked to him on IRC, it sounded like *all* text is fubar. As far as I know, the text is treated the same as the other objects aren't they? I just figured maybe they are higher up on the ROM's but the decoder doesn't want to read them properly. Wasn't there a program someone wrote to view vector ROM's? Maybe its worth using it to figure out where the text data is exactly.

>First thing to do is to try swapping the AVG controller IC since it is socketed, if it
>fails, you can have a plethora of symptoms.

wouldn't the AVG affect all vectors? This seems to be failing before getting to the vector output.. unless all of the text has a unique attribute in the AVG section.


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