RE: Cosmic Chasm Reseting

From: Todd Miller <>
Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 11:30:34 EDT

>Does anyone else have problems with their Cosmic Chasm boards reseting
>occasionally? I'd thought the power supply might be the problem based
>on the STJ articles.

I have left mine on for hours without having random reset problems. The
        only problem mine has is it wont always boot and from what I
        the decimal flashes on the 7 seg display. Sometimes if I reseat the
        connector it will come up
,but lately reseating the connector doesn't work
        anymore. I'm assuming the connector has lost it's spring tension on
        contacts so I'm going to try a new connector when time permits.
        I'm using just a switcher & G08 xfmr

(for the monitor) and had never had
        any other problems.

Todd Miller, LAN Administrator
Ron Weber and Associates
103 E. State Street, Mason City, IA 50401
(515)423-4293/(515)423-4594 FAX

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