>When you power up the built in game is playing but there is only horizontal
>lines - no vertical or diagonal. So the screen appears as...
Well, the Vectrex uses a single DAC to generate all the deflection you see
on the monitor (as well as the brightness of the lines, scanning the analog
joystick, and generating digitized sound! I like the Vectrex. ;-) so since
you're getting lines and horizontal deflection your DAC is probably fine.
There's an analog mux that routes the signal to a couple of sample and holds
and analog integrators. I'd concentrate on either the mux, of the caps in
the integrator and/or sample and hold. The integrator caps are weird metal
film things and quite fragile, so be careful when poking around them.
They're also somewhat "matched" to each other so replacing one can cause
more problems than it solves.
Grab the schematics from the net and look in the right-most pages. You'll
see the DAC and the integrators and stuff there.
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