Re: What is this???

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 11:02:21 EDT

Actually, I think its quite obvious as to what happened.. Did you look at the bid history? Apparently this mcastle1 person bid an absurd amount to make sure (s)he won the auction. Then bp100a bid and bid and bid and realized that. Then for whatever reason, bp100a decided to shill the bidding up to find mcastle1's max without going over. OOPS! It seems that mcastle1's max bid did not end evenly on a multiple of 5 and bp100a got screwed (notice how bp100a bid $229.50 just to see if $230 was the max bid). I'll bet this is one bid that will not be honored. Just my humble interpretation.


At 01:23 AM 4/27/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 4/26/00 8:05:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Can this be right? I would love to have these in print also but what the
> hell?
> Max >>
>HOLLY IDIOCY!!!! $229!!!!!!!!! For original lithiographed schems and docs!
>I'm waiting to see a bidder with the screen name "DumbAss" or "MThead" when
>something like this happens again.
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Received on Thu Apr 27 11:19:36 2000

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