Re: Re: Red Baron AVG ROM question

From: Matt J. McCullar <>
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 21:44:11 EDT

tom mcclintock wrote:
> And speaking of EPROMs... I just acquired a whole mess (literally) of
> EPROMs that have been pulled from various computers. I plan on erasing
> and reprograming them, but I need to get the older sticker label off of
> them. Anyone have a good solution? Can I submerge the EPROM in an
> adhesive remover, and then peel the stickers off, or would this damage
> the chip?

Although dangerous to handle, I've found lighter fluid removes stickers
and the residue they leave behind faster than anything else. It
evaporates quickly, too. And it doesn't hurt the chips at all.

So when you're "burning" those EPROMs... Don't smoke! :)

Matt J. McCullar
Arlington, TX
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